

It was Christmas Day in Hawaii and it was raining like hell. Strong winds blew down coconut palm leaves from the surrounding properties, whipped up the ocean to a heaving white froth and the power went out in our AirBnB for most of the day. Fun stuff. Power came back on in the afternoon, the winds and rain died down and I got a chance to get out for a hike before dark while the rest of the family was in Pearl City watching a movie. The two summits are part of the dividing ridgeline between the west side towns of Waianae and Maili. I had been to Mauna Kuwale three years ago, but from a different direction. Today I approached the two summits from the south, climbing up through the tall grass to Paheehee Ridge first, then following the ridge east to Mauna Kuwale with the help of a use trail. There is a small cell tower located along the ridge and a WWII pillbox located just below the summit of Mauna Kuwale. The higher summit features a white cross that has partially fallen. The outing was rather short, taking less than 45min, getting me back around sunset and just in time for Christmas dinner - lumpia, poke and salad - about as mixed up Hawaiian as it gets.


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